Mindfulness as a Way of Being - MAWB
[email protected]

Over the past 30 years I have been journeying the path of mindful living. To me this means really living my life awake rather than being caught in the thought process and all of the stress that goes with that. There have of course been periods of time when I left Mindful living behind but I have always been drawn back to it. When I live my life mindfully that’s when I am really connected and grounded and feel that sense of peace in my belly.
The natural progression of this way of life is leading me to share mindful living with a wider community. I have successfully completed my training to enable me to facilitate 8 week MBSR courses/ workshops/courses from September 2018 around Mindfulness as a way of Being. I am also trained to teach the .b programme with Mindfulness in Schools Programme.
"Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment non judgmentally. It is about knowing what is on your mind." Jon Kabat-Zinn
“Meditation is the only intentional systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply realize where you are.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn Wherever you go, there you are
What can MAWB offer you in the area of Mindfulness?
One to One sessions of how to reduce your stress through a mindful way of being
Work with your school/organisation/group to reduce stress in your working day
Deliver an introduction to Mindfulness in your workplace
Facilitate an 8 week Mindfulness based stress reduction course
Teach a MISP Paws B to Primary school pupils as part of the Wellbeing curriculum
Teach the 10 week MISP .B programme to second level pupils as part of the JCT Wellbeing programme
Create a Mindful programme for your school/organisation/group
Lead a Mindful morning/ day /weekend for a group
Email us on [email protected]
Mary Corkery 087 243 7770 Instagram @m.corkery